This is written in response to a blog found here. This response is kinda lengthy for me and takes a bit of a turn, so I decided to post it here. Also that blog is kinda old. The image really caught my eye.
Actually, it's neither.
It's an optical illusion formed by light passing through water vapor. It's pretty cool when you look at the science of it. Light enters the droplets and gets refracted, or bent, then reflected off the inside of the droplet, the refracted again on it's way out. Where it appears is dependent on the viewer and on the position of the sun. In other words, it doesn't really exist in one place. There is no end, no pot of gold.
That's all. No magic, no mystery. Just light being separated as it goes through water vapor.
And that's what science does. Takes away the magic and mystery and replaces it with logic and reason. I think that's why people fear science. Or why they just don't like it. Or why they discount it as witchcraft or something. In a way it totally discounts the stories and folklore. Makes beliefs less valid, reveals them as the primative views of an ancient culture that they are.
And why does God need a brightly colored reminder? That doesn't seen very godlike.
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