Wednesday, September 17, 2008

One thing I do not understand about people.

The fact that some people are so blindly devoted to their faith and seem to shudder at the idea of questioning it. It's like what a friend of mine has on a plaque on her wall "God said it, I believe it, that ends it."

So just blindly follow? Like you have no mind of your own?

And don't question? I was actually told by someone who was trying to get me to believe that "God is never to be questioned." Why not?

I got to thinking about think when I was typing this response to a thread on I think the subject of the thread is a fine example. There are some passages in the Bible that call for the death penalty as punishment for homosexuality. But why? And why do the most faithful accept it and support it without question. I mean why did some ancient Hebrew decide that being gay was so icky that it warranted death. And to put it into their most sacred text. It just makes no sense.

And it's not just the Christian stand against homosexuality that I'm talking about here. There's a great deal of other blind following and blissful ignorance that I'm finding.

Of course I am reminded of what happened in the Bible when Job questioned God. The answer was anything but. It's sad when an all powerful deity lacks the balls to tell the person he's torturing the real reason why he is torturing them. And to settle a bet with the devil of all things. Makes for a good story but when people believe it like it's real just seem foolish.

I'm digressing here. Are we as humans not naturally curious? Do we not want to know things? Everything is up for question, including the divine if such a thing exists. Why deny that?

Now playing: Stevie Wonder - Superstition
via FoxyTunes

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