Thursday, March 19, 2009

New blog with new pics!

Ok so it's been like a month since a said anything here. Life's been busy. I've had a sort of top secret writing project that was taking up my time. The rest was work and life in general.

I may have also been spending more time playing Eve Online. Newest expansion just rocks.

And there's my other blog that I've been giving attention too. Have you been reading it? You should.

Tonight I got pretty in front of the camera for my girlfriend. In case anyone reading this is unaware, we are in a long distance relationship and have not seen each other in quite some time. She wanted some pictures of me and I was more than happy to oblige. These are not all of them, a few were for her only. Besides I try not to run a porn show here.

So there you have it in case you have never seen me before and was wondering just what the weirdo that writes this blog looks like. I know the first on is over exposed, but I kinda like it. And before any one asks, they are real. I grew them myself!

Laters for now, more to come!

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