Saturday, June 13, 2009

I haven't posted any hotel advice lately

And I'm pissed so let's get this party started.

Don't have your children call the desk.


Never fucking have your brat call me at the desk. It's not cute. It's not funny. And there's a lot of cases where if you have a request it really should come from the adult paying for the room. It's not that I don't like kids. I love kids, can't wait to have a few of my own. It's that I don't want to send anything up to a room or take it their myself with out the adult knowing about it.

But what really pisses me off is when I have a kids asking for the internet password. The hotel I work at has free wi-fi for guests, but it does require a username and password that you get from the frone desk. One thing this tells me is that I may have a kid using the internet unsupervised. Not something I'm all that comfortable with. The other thing it could be is something that annoyed me back in my tech support days - A parent that is so fucking computer illiterate that can't ever turn the damned thing on with out their child helping them. This totally fucking annoys me. Note to parents: You parental control software and filters are totally fucking useless when your kid knows more about your computer than you! I would be totally fucking embarrassed if my kid had to help me with my computer. I actually, at the request of the parent, walked a 9 year old through setting up parental controls on AOL back when I worked for them. He knew daddy's password! What fucking good did those parental controls do!!!!

Really folks. You know why your daughter is showing off her twat to older men and why your son is spanking his monkey to scat porn? It's because you don't supervise them and/or because they know more about the computer than you. Don't blame it on myspace, or facebook or whatever. If you don't know how to use one and you are too fucking ignorant to read a fucking book, don't buy the damn thing. Or just fucking remove yourself from society, PLEASE!!!!!!! Seriously your kids would be better off with out you. You are obviously not really with them anyway.

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