Friday, September 25, 2009

Back to school - First substitute teaching assignment this school year

Physics Honors today. And one course of Earth Science.


The new school year has an added class period, but the day is just as short. 7:05am -1:50pm. Class periods are now 48 minutes long, they used to be an hour. I really felt an hour was too short as it was. It's difficult to effectively teach anything in that short of time to a group of 25-30 teenagers. When I was a freshman in high school, there were 7 period days like there are now, but the days were longer.

And how is that short time being spent today? Finishing tests and watching a movie. October Sky. Good movie, but I see an awful lot of movies in the classroom these days. WTF? I don't remember watching this many movies when I was in high school.

And I get to see the first half hour or so of it 7 times.

It's an easy day and the kids think I'm cool so why am I bitching?

It's what I do. I can't help it. I'm annoyed and disappointed. I think schools can be better than this.

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