Friday, November 6, 2009

Just when I was starting to like Facebook, I hate it

So I started using Facebook because I had a few friends on it. I was also getting sick of the talking ads on MySpace and the bloated profiles. Facebook seemed to work better for communication. Sure I couldn't do cool things with my profile, but that also meant no one could bloat theirs out to the point where it crashes my laptop. So it was cool.

Now I'm getting annoyed with it. It's not the silly apps that annoy everyone. I have grown to ignore those and a lot of them I block. It's the new news feed/live feed feature. The news feed really doesn't give me enough and is a little out of order and the live feed tells me too much. I really don't care who my friends are now friends with. Or what they liked or commented on today. I just don't need a chronicle of everything everyone I know did in facebook. I really don't care.

Another annoyance - the suggestions. It went from suggesting people in my address book and friends of friends to telling me I should write on someone's wall. Or poke them. Or some other silliness. "OMG!!!! So and So doesn't have a profile picture, suggest them one." Go fuck yourself. "So and So needs more friends." Go fuck yourself! I really don't give a shit. "So and So is a fan of this, become a fan." You know what? Their taste sucks! Now why aren't you fucking yourself?

Yeah, so now I'm bitter on facebook, I think the rest of my annoyance can be summed up by Foamy.

So I just want a social networking site that can integrate with my blog, twitter and email, allows me to connect with my friends and has fast loading individualized profiles. I don't think that's too much to ask.

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