Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Christians say the damnedest, and the funniest, things

Here's a wonderful gem from -

You could put 50 pieces of paper in a hat, each with the name of a state on
it. Pull one out and that you tell you which state the new king is going to be
selected from. Then you could put all the counties in that state in a hat and
pull one out. Then you could put all the cities in that county in a hat and pull
one out. Then put all the streets in the city in a hat and pull one out. Then
pull a house number, then choose the youngest adult male in that household as
the king.

That doesn't have to be the method. Any random method whatsoever would
work just fine.

Proverbs 16:33 The lot is cast into the
lap,But its every decision is from the LORD.


This is how a Christian thinks a leader should be chosen. Not just any leader mind you, a king. And at that a single monarch, no judiciary or legislature. Just pluck someone at random and give him all the power. You know, because the "Lord" really chose him because it was at random.

Does this make sense to anyone? It sounds like something that would take epic levels of lunacy and stupidity to think it's a great idea. Random chance isn't how you make a decision as important as who should rule and represent your country.

So happy I was smart enough to realize the Bible is poorly written fiction used to control masses to stupid to know better. Christianity is a cancer on human existence that needs to be cut away before it does more damage.

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