Monday, July 19, 2010

It's been a while since I've said anything, but I've got a lot going on

Let's start with the really big deal, my mother is in the hospital. She's got Mercer. She went in soon enough though. She's on some serious antibiotics. I think everything will turn out OK. I can only hope for it. She went in Friday. I found out after returning from a job interview, but I'll get to that in a moment. Since I have been busy with work and taking care of my father. And not sleeping much. My father is a lot of work, he really needs to do more for himself or go back into the rehab center until he can. They sent him home way too early.

I don't know how my mom does it honestly. Since my father has come home from the rehab, he's like a big baby. A 250lb, 74 year old baby, with a really bad attitude. And it's not because of sickness and old age, but that he has made himself dependant on anyone who will do anything for him. He's not doing anything to get better and attempts to get him to are met with him whining "I can't!" Seen it too many times when the therapists are over. He's a handful for me and I'm young and healthy.

Last time I talked to my mom she was doing well, or about as well as can be.

I mentioned I had a job interview, didn't I?

Yeah I'm really pissed with my job again, so I was doing some vengeance job hunting. And I got a response. And a interview this past Friday. It went quite well and I have another interview in the morning. If all goes well, I will be a call center supervisor. Heck, I'll take just about anything that pays the same or better to get me out of here. Not much has changed since I bitched about it here before and what really irks me the most is that some people can't bring themselves to show up for work on time. Like I really want to get out at 7am, when I'm supposed to, but I looked at the schedule and I know that's not going to happen. And depending on how late they are, I could be really fucked over for time. Not cool, really not cool. I made about 2 hours overtime last week thanks to my co-workers, but you know what? I would have rather they got here on time. It's not fucking rocket science. I get to work on time nearly every day and I use public transportation. Seriously, what the fuck? How can you work at the same place for years and never show up on time? And not get fired over it?

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