Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How about a Tequila party?

Ahhh Tequila. That wonderful liquid that makes me hump things. The stuff of nights I can't remember and no one else forgets. Tequila party? Sounds like a good time, but who invited the politicians?

The Tequila Party in this case is the tentative name of a grassroots political movement. Inspired by the Tea Party, but this time Latino Democrats.

Cool. More political movements make for more interesting politics and maybe some real change, hopefully in a positive direction and not the change I'm scraping together to buy ramen for dinner.

I'm not making this up, that's what they are calling themselves. I think they need a better name, there's too much comedy that can come from this. And alcohol and politics shouldn't be mixed. No, scrap that. Let's get all the senators and congressmen loaded up on tequila and see what happens!

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