Sure you have. Who hasn't? Maybe it's just the bad mood I'm in talking.
Seriously, why is the Wal-mart filled with people on a Tuesday around noon? Don't people have jobs? The place was so crowded you'd think they were giving away cookies and cocaine.
Still looking for a new job. Trouble is I'm too fucking busy. No time at work, I can barely get my work done there. And I have been busy doing work for my mom during the day. I'm home only long enough to sleep. Fucking sucks. I have an application to fill out and no time to do anything with it. I'd fill it out now, but I don't have a pen. And at the time of writing this, I'm on the bus.
I don't get it. I'm not privy enough to the hotel's numbers to really see the whole scope of it, but would it really hurt to have an extra person on the audit shift during the busy season? Like even a part timer that can check people in and answer calls until about 2 or 3am would be pretty awesome. Then I can more effectively get things done. Maybe it's just too much of a hassle to train and hire part time seasonal help for the desk. I don't know, but these busy nights are kicking my ass. Just one of the many things that are driving me to find somewhere else to pick up a paycheck.
Having to clean vomit last night didn't help. Neither did my bike having a flat and me missing the bus leaving work. Round the corner just in time to watch it leave. Fuck.
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