Monday, October 24, 2011

Story bit

Something that popped in to my head tonight. Might spin something off of it, might not. Thought I'd throw it out there.

When we first saw them we gawked in amazement. For so long we had speculated and theorized about life on other planets and here it was, right before us. Did they know we were watching them? Were they watching us? In some ways they were like us, in many ways so different.

We knew when we went public with our findings we would be met with accusations of a hoax and conspiracy theories. This didn't stop us and the stories that cropped up were more bizarre than anything we had imagined. The outrage and violence that ensued from those distraught over the universe not being what they believed it to be was not expected. It was enough to make us think that we should have kept it to ourselves.

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