Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I'm sure they will say I was fired....

....but "you are not needed any more, your position has been filled" sounds more like a lay off. Which is actually fine by me.

That pretty much sums it up. Beat me to the punch really. I was going to quit. Wanted to find something first and I was looking pretty hard.

I should write my former boss a nice thank you letter. I can look for a job with out the stress of dealing with an incompetent staff and an even more incompetent boss. I won't have that awkward time at the interview when they ask me why I am leaving. When I find a new job, I can start immediately. I won't have the dilemma of whether to be the better human and give a 2 weeks notice, or the virtual screaming "fuck you" of just quitting with out notice. I get to collect unemployment and I'll have more time to look for a job in a decently run place of business. Seriously, I have seen monkeys flinging shit that were more coordinated. Some of these people are not even qualified to throw shit and would be more likely to wallow in their own.   I should also thank my now former boss for setting the worst possible example. Should I land myself a supervisory position, I'll think "what would my old boss do?" And then I'll do just the opposite. In any decently run business, she would have been out on her ass a long time ago.

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