Saturday, September 21, 2013

Bill Nye is wrong because Beethoven

Yes, Bill Nye is wrong because Beethoven.


A little background here. Last week on "Real Time" with Bill Maher, Bill Nye was discussing the same lunacy in Texas that I brought up in my last blog (you should check it out, and the video). Bill Nye mentioned a talk he was giving in Texas where people booed him because he said the moon reflected light from the sun. This contradicts the Bible, which says that God made 2 lights. Stuff that contradicts the Bible makes Ray Comfort butthurt. Butthurt Ray Comfort waves his ignorance for all to see.
“He mocks that, and yet you take out what moonlight is in the dictionary, and it says it’s the light of the moon,” Comfort said. “The moon has light, it reflects the sun, (and) “Moonlight Sonata,” just lots of beautiful songs, the moon does.”

Yeah he said that. Called Bill Nye delusional too. Said he believes a lie. Because, you know, a 6000 year old Earth that was created in a week has to be true because a Bronze Age desert myth said so.

Here's a link to the full article and video on The Raw Story.

I'm not sure what makes good, reasonable, intelligent Christians look worse - Idiots like Comfort and Hovind who prey on those who are more ignorant than they are, or hate spewing bigots like Fischer and Labarbera. I've heard Comfort speak out against LGBT's, but it's a side note to his creationist spewing at best.

And that annoys me. Creationists make Christians look really fucking ignorant - the close-minded, can't tell them anything, blind, forceful kind of ignorance. It's not like I expect everyone to be a biology major. I'm not one, but if I am going to talk about something, I try to understand what it is. It's almost comical to ask a creationist what they define as evolution. Most that I have dealt with either don't know or think it is something very different from what it actually is. There's nothing in the field of evolutionary biology that makes any claims about crocoducks or chimps giving birth to humans. Evolution does not explain the beginnings of life or the universe. It makes no claims about the existence of God either. Life went on and people believed in God just the same after we found that the Earth was not flat and not at the center of the universe. And I do think that creationists look just as ridiculous as flat-earthers and geocentrists.

That said I also feel creationists do a disservice to Christianity. For instance, if you take the book of Genesis metaphorically, it still holds meaning regardless of what science tells you. Taken literally, it's an episode of The Flintstones gone horribly wrong.

Seriously Ray Comfort, stop making my friends who happen to be Christian look bad.

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