Tuesday, October 21, 2008

So really what's the big deal?

About being gay?

Or lesbian?

Or bisexual?

Transgendered even?

I could never understand why it is thought to be so wrong or so bad. Yeah I know there's a few passages in the Bible saying it's bad, but there's passages in the Bible stating that eating shellfish is bad and I don't see any one picketing in front of Red Lobster. Now I am aware that the gospel of Paul does negate some items from Levitican law. Sounds like picking and choosing to me though. I was even able to get a Christian to say it was picking and choosing. It seems that only with in the Judeo-Christian-Islamic world it is a bad thing, so bad it warrants the death penalty. Yet outside of that world, not a concern and the death penalty for such a behavior is just silly.

I am both amused and annoyed by the equating of homosexuality to severely more heinous acts. Murder, rape, and child molestation being the most common. How is a consensual act between 2 individuals anything like those? It really doesn't make sense. The only difference between a gay couple and a straight couple is that in a gay couple the parties involve have the same bits. That's all. That keeps them from reproducing. So what? I'm failing to see how it is like murder or rape.

There's also this gem. The short of it - gays are murdering psychopaths. Yeah, because straight people have never killed any one. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Hitler and Stalin were straight, right?

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