Thursday, November 6, 2008

Post election

I'm not about to bitch about Obama winning. I'm not happy about it. I don't feel he was the best choice, which is why Bob Barr got my vote. I think the next 4 years are going to be interesting to watch. With a Democrat president and senate, I'm expecting liberalism to run wild.

One thing that irks me more about the election is that Amendment 2 passed. Amendment 2 was not just about gay marriage, it also nullifies all domestic partnerships and civil unions. In Florida there are a lot of unmarried couples living under a domestic partnership. Most of them are straight. If someone living under this arrangement winds up in the hospital, their partner may not know anything about it. They may no longer be able to put their partner on their insurance either.

Sad, we can vote a socialist into office that supports abortion but we can't allow 2 people that love each other to get married or even have a domestic partnership. And hurt other people in the process.

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