For the most part.
Good day though. very light night at work. A local restaurant did bring the staff a considerable amount of food. I ate more than I should have throughout the night. More to work off after the holidays are over, but I'm not complaining. It was quite the relaxing night and I don't get many of those.
Some of the good people at TheologyOnline wished me a happy birthday, that was cool.
My mother bought me something, I don't know what yet. Haven't had a chance to find out.
I'm thinking back over the last year, it wasn't the best -
- An argument with my father resulted in me moving out of my parents' house again before I was ready. I wanted to finish out my degree.
- I moved twice and that about killed my finances for a while. The last move was into the ghetto.
- There's several more people that I used to call my friends that I will never speak to again. Many of them I doubt were friends to begin with. Acquaintances at best.
- I missed out on DragonCon.
- I missed out on a Crüxshadows concert.
- I didn't do any performing.
- I bought another car, only to have it breakdown on me.
- I couldn't get financed for the car I really wanted.
- I lost a little more weight.
- I have my own place and it's all mine.
- I think I may have grown up a little.
- I'm in great health.
- I have a girlfriend that loves me and has stayed with me through all the bad stuff. She's been so loving and supportive too.
- Through hard work I got my finances back in order.
- I've made some new friends. At least one of which was very unlikely.
So I'm not totally bitter. I'm trying not to be bitter at all. I have some plans and goals before the next birthday -
- Go back to college.
- Get my girlfriend moved in.
- Lose more weight, I'd like to drop about 60 lbs.
- Get a better job.
- Move out of the ghetto.
- Fix the Escort and either sell it or start driving it.
- Get some work done on the Beetle.
- Spend more time practicing on my violin.
- Work more with music. I'd love to record something. Or at least perform an original work.
- Try to more closely follow Stoicism.
Looks like a lot, let's see what happens in the next year.
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