Monday, April 13, 2009

Got hit by a truck on the way to work tonight

Relatively new Nissan Pathfinder. Driver was not paying attention and after stopping for a few seconds just pulled on to the road and right into me in the bike lane. Front fender met my shoulder and knocked me on the road kinda hard. I got up immediately and went nearly psycho. I care not to post here what I was screaming at him. I calmed down quick enough, he was scared and just kept apologizing. No damage to my bike or the laptop and MP3 player in my backpack, so I just let it go, warning the guy next time neither he nor whoever he should hit may not be so lucky. Besides there was a dent in his door in the shape of my steel-toe combat boot.

Oh yeah, I just have a bruised shoulder, scraped knee and a torn pair of pants. No big deal.

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