Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I am so doing it wrong

Yet another 4/20 has come and gone and I didn't get stoned.


It's not like the opportunity wasn't there, it's just not something I do. Or even would recommend.

And why is marijuana so special that it needs a holiday? Why not a holiday for other drugs? I'm not encouraging it. I'm just posing a question.

I think a smarter thing for the stoners of America to do would be to march on Washington in support of legalization. I'm not for that either, but it's better than breaking the law. And I can actually respect that.

If I was in a management position, I'd have some random drug screens scheduled on 4/21 every year, but that's just me. Unannounced at that. But I'm just a mean, evil person. :P

One thing that gets totally ignored in the wake of this is that on this very day, 10 years ago, a number of high school students lost their lives. If anything should be happening today, it should be in memory of them. And it should be re-examined how to prevent another tragedy like that. Maybe if those boys were not picked on. Maybe if they had someone to look up to. Maybe if they knew it was OK to be different. Maybe if their parents did a better job of being parents. I made a comment on my friend Dani's blog in her post about Columbine. It's good to see that someone is not smoking and is focusing on something a lot more important. A good friend of mine also sent out a bulletin on myspace in regards to Columbine and the fact that today is Hitler's birthday. Without Hitler we would not have Volkswagen or a face to associate with social Darwinism.

Put the drugs down folks, realize the world is falling apart around you, get up off your ass and do something about it.

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