Sunday, April 26, 2009

if you loved me you would buy me this

the metasonix kv-100

Seriously, this is on kick ass piece of equipment. From the site -

the metasonix kv-100 is not called the "assblaster" for nothing. we've taken all
of our knowledge of extreme vacuum-tube audio processing and combined it into a
single convenient, easy-to-use package. inevitably, the end of the tm series
will cause shit-eating, ass-fisting guitar players to whine about how
"underappreciated" they are. so, we're feeding them a foot-long fecal sandwich
of audio's complete with disgusting and juvenile cartoon art by dave
lovelace, of retarded animal babies fame.

I'm just thinking of what it can do for my violin, or some of those instruments I want to make.

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