Saturday, December 26, 2009

New Warhammer 40k Army - AngelSpit Noise Marines

I like Warhammer 40K. I like AngelSpit. Listening to "Let Them Eat Distortion" gave me an idea for an Emperor's Children/Noise marines/Slaanesh army. Just yesterday I picked up a box of Noise marines and started paining them up.

Here's what I have so far -

The final paint scheme will be something like this.

Not your normal pink/purple/black EC scheme, but it fits AngelSpit and I like it. Though I think they do look kinda Chaos Blood Angels.

I need suggestions though. I'm going to model the HQ units after Zoog and Destroyx and need to find good models to start with. He's going to be a Daemon Prince. She's going to count as Fabius Bile. I wanted to use Fabius as AngelSpit has a medical theme.

This is going to be a pretty big project for me. I'm including a Defiler that will look like a modular synth and tanks that will be patterned after album art. I'm also going to be working in a Forgeword sonic dreadnought. Should be fun, hopefully competitive too.

More to come, any advice or suggestions would be awesome.

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