Monday, February 1, 2010

Internet is pissing me off, rant #3 - Message Boards

This may be shocking, but something I spend a great deal of my time on actually does piss me off. Really, it's not the boards that piss me off, just certain people on them. There are certain people in this world that can really ruin one's time on a message board. Seems like every board has them too.

First we will start with a short list of boards I regularly post on as of late -

And that last one I haven't been to in a long time and should really go back to. There's cool people on there.

Anyway, what I'm not going to talk about here is spammers and trolls, they are almost welcome to what I am bring up that really needs to be rounded up and made into Soylent Green.

Spelling and grammer nazis! I fucking hate these people. If you are unfamiliar, these people make that English teacher you had in high school that nobody liked seem pretty normal. These are the kind of people that if you dare make a spelling or grammatical error while having a discussion with them, they will turn the discussion toward that error. They will completely ignore what ever the subject is of the argument because you made a typo, then make a big deal of said typo. I don't know about you, but I thought I was posting on a message board, not writing my college thesis. Who gives a shit if I misplaced a letter or two? Go fuck yourself!

And these fucking moderators and admins that are biased in one way or another and don't have the balls to admit it. You know how annoying it is when to see someone get away with something you just got banned for? This pisses me off to no end. It gets more annoying when I come back from a ban, bring it to the attention of the mods (and everyone else) that they are biased or at least playing favorites and it becomes an immediate banning. WTF? This is actually something I appreciate about TheologyOnline. I know it may seem a bit crazy for me to actually enjoy going to a discussion forum about religion and politics that's run by a group of fundamentalist Christian right wing conservative zealots, but they admit they are biased. They won't deny it. I do have a little respect for them because of that.

People that resort to name-calling when they can't debate really piss me off. What it basically tells me is that you have completely given up and you are too full of yourself to even entertain the idea that I just might be right. Get over it, get over yourself. If you can't handle yourself in an intellectual debate, please do not waste my, or anyone else's, time if it's going to result in cheap insults and name-calling. Go fuck yourself with something white hot and made out of metal.

And you people that whine to the mods and admins. Or worse yet you people that start a thread whining about someone you don't like. Or because someone made fun of something you like. Or because there's people on the forum that doesn't agree with you. You people really need to grow the fuck up and get a life. Whine to somebody that cares. Which is nobody. So shut the fuck up.

Finally, people that post on message boards while drunk or high and talk about how drunk or high they are need to be loaded into a wood chipper. Really. It's just fucking annoying. If all you are saying is "look at me! I'm drunk!" Get a fucking life. You are announcing to an entire community that you are a pathetic loser getting drunk or high alone in front of a computer. Stop it. Nobody cares. It's not as cute and funny as you think it is. Especially you people that advertise that you are high. I'm thinking I should seriously weasel the real name and address out of one of these idiot and call their local police on them. Now that would be funny.

I think I've bashed 90% of message board users at this point. Have a nice day. I think I may have a thing or 2 more to rant about.

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