I managed to make the fridge work, now it's my laptop that's making problems.
The AC adaptor went bad and the battery emptied out. So I get a new AC adapter. When I plug it in to the laptop, the light on it goes out and the laptop does not see that the AC adapter is connected. So I was thinking it was a bad battery. I got a new battery and the same thing happens. It will boot up and run on the new battery. It doesn't run on the AC adapter. When I plug it in, nothing happens on the Laptop. And the light still goes out on the adaptor.
The only thing I can think of this being here it that something may have gone bad in the connector on the laptop. I have a good battery and a good adapter, both work fine on another laptop.
The Laptop is a Dell Inspiron 1420. If anyone can give me some advice here, I'd really appreciate it.
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