Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The first (and hopefully not) annual Perseph-a-thon.

Yeah, so I spent more than I expected to spend at DragonCon and well, I think I might have to sell my ass on the corner to pay my bills. I'd rather not do that, care to help a guy/girl out?

I may be exaggerating. I'm not really that bad off, but, well I could stand for some cash. I need things that I can't afford. OK, I really, really, really want things I can't afford. And it would make it a bit easier to pay my bills. Or at least help me avoid a late fee or two.

Yeah so I've been a little irresponsible and I'm looking for you the reader of my blog to bail me out. Hasn't that been done before? Like I'm recalling someone that got them self into debt and set up a website to take donations to get out of it. That's kinda what I'm doing here though by my next paycheck I should be alright. Though I do have my student loans and a credit card that I'd really like paid off. Wanna help me with that? Heck, now that I think of it, that would be a better place to spend any monies donated rather than on the other things I want.

So you want to help me get out of debt? Sure you do.

Wait just a damned minute. This changes what I had planned. I was originally looking for money for a new camera, a new laptop, a good quality steel boned corset for me and another for my girlfriend. Was even going to offer to model said corset, and try to get my girlfriend to do the same. Wow. I've got some nerve, don't I? Trying to get the Internet to help me buy stuff when I have loans to pay. I really ought to be spanked. No, wouldn't do any good, I like that.

Plans changed for the better. And if I can get at least one of those debts off my back, that would make life a bit easier and make things more affordable. So, how about it? You do want to help me right?


If you decide to, and I hope you do, click on the tip jar in the sidebar. It goes to my paypal account. And if you are reading this on my facebook, here's a link to my blogspot blog.

So what do you get out of this? That's a good question. My gratitude not enough? That warm fuzzy feeling you get when you have done something nice for someone not enough? Since I'm taking the more responsible approach, pictures of me tarted up in a new corset are not going to happen anytime soon. But I will post them when I do get that corset. Until then, how about some new and interesting content? I'm considering a change with this blog. Instead of the whining I usually do about my life or my job, I'm looking at doing more rants about things in the news or just some general rant about something. I would like to do one a day. Something like some of my more recent posts to my blog. That work for ya? New and interesting post every day? At least for a start? Then further down the line maybe some new graphics?

That's what I'm thinking. If you have a suggestion, I'd love to hear it.

Also, if you are like me and rather short on funds, just click a google add or 2 every time you come to my blog. It's not much, but every bit helps. Exactly one month from today I'll post what was donated before sending it to those I owe. Thank yous in advance.

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