That was the question on my mind after watching the reactions of Grappling Ignorance and Proportional Response to the Jesus Camp documentary. How do these people live with themselves? Not Grappling Ignorance and Proportional Response, the people that run this Jesus camp and others like them, and the parents that send their kids to such camps. Take a look at their videos.
After watching the videos, I was disturbed and rather curious. Could it be as bad as they made it out to be? So I looked. I watched the documentary. The first thing I picked up on was that it was Pentecostals doing all the things that Pentecostals do – the big show, the singing and dancing, the speaking in tongues, the fake seizures and the people “getting full of the holy spirit”. Now I have to say, when it's adults, I have to laugh. It's a display of P.T. Barnum being proved right. They do their big act. They slap some guy in a wheelchair on the head, he has a seizure, he gets up and dances, and then it's all "Thank you Jesus!" and "Praise the Lord!" At the end of it all they parted a bunch of people too stupid to know better from their money, and that is their problem. It's different when it is kids. Not just that they do not know any better, but because they put all their trust in to their parents and those their parents trust with them. For religious charlatans to parade their show in front of children and brand it as real and as the truth, it's just wrong. It's not much better to do it in front of adults, but like I said, adults should know better.
There's more to it than just the show. It's like Grappling Ignorance said, they are totally brain washing these kids. This goes well beyond the indoctrination that many Christian Fundamentalists claim happens in public schools. Worse yet these kids are spoon fed lies that are branded as truth. I'm not talking about anything from the Bible. I'm talking about what they say about non-believers and public school teachers. And it's not just the Pentecostals that are guilty of that, I see member of other denominations spouting the same lies to their children. This is akin to the lies that KKK members spoon feed their children about blacks and Jews.
I've heard a few claim that where ever they send their children to be educated, they will be indoctrinated, therefore they want them to be indoctrinated in their ways. Even if that were true, if you have to indoctrinate it in to them, especially at a young age, does that not tell you what kind of a heap of bullshit you are forcing on them?
In the end of it all, I still have to ask, how do you live with yourself?
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