Thursday, July 28, 2011

Random Ramblings: Seriously WTF?

Cheap Home Depot Outdoor Safety Goggles > Cheap Wal-Mart Sunglasses

They are, and they are cheaper too. I found my pair of cheap Wal-Mart sunglasses broken today. Less than a week old. Broke in a weird place too and I'm not sure how. Usually I just get outdoors safety glasses from Home Depot and now I'm reminded why.

You want my bag? I want your wallet. 

Or some collateral. I ride a bike. I keep everything in my backpack. Things I've purchased. Things I'm taking from one place to another. Things that would normally go in my pockets. Things I need to fix my bike. Things I can't leave home without. With all those things inside, I'm not about to just hand it over to some store clerk. So I demand something of theirs, preferably a wallet. They never want to go for it. So I go somewhere else.

I'm going to try another experiment.

Not with Eve Online, but with this time. I'm just coming back from a ban and I want to see how long before people that are offended by my "immoral, perverted, lifestyle" start talking about my "immoral, perverted, lifestyle." This should be fun!

You know what's difficult?

Typing a blog while a kitten is running around all over your laptop. And batting at the mouse. And pawing at you. And biting.

For the Record

Riding a bicycle in the rain sucks.

On the road to DragonCon.

Well, not yet, but soon. Hotel, passes, and rental car are all paid for. New corsets on the way too.

Which begs the question-

How much weight can I lose in a month?

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