Tuesday, January 19, 2010

So I'm trying to watch Nid Week on Beasts of War

And I'm being bothered by drunk people.

Oh wait, I'm at work and I don't get paid to watch Beasts of War. I don't get paid to bitch about it in my blog either. And I don't think people I work with get paid to read about my bitching in my blog, well that is if they are reading this at work.

Any who.

Even if I were doing things I get paid for at the moment (I'm as done as I can get at this point), getting bothered by people who are already pretty loaded and want to get more loaded is pretty annoying.

Well it's about that time of the night for me to do more stuff. Once all that's done, it's back to Beasts of War.

And probly getting bothered by more drunk people.

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