Saturday, October 30, 2010

And in between people and work that keeps me busy, I blog

I said it before. I'll say it again. This hotel I work at could really benefit from having an extra person on weekends to do housekeeping, maintenance and security. Yeah, that's more they have to pay out in labor, more that cuts in to the profits, but that's why you jack up the price a little on weekends. Just a thought. There's probly more to it than what's om my mind here. I'm sure there's a reason why there has never anything more than auditors on this shift. Probly more cost effective that way or something.

Whatever. That's all I got to say about that.

Is a fully automatic shotgun too much to ask for?

Or a classic, a mounted MG-42 (Hitler's buzzsaw!) on the desk labeled "Complaints Department."

This place can stress me out so much. Yes, that much.

I think I've said enough now. I think you get my point.

In other news....

My name is Pastor Adam Briggs of Damascus Road Bible Fellowship, today is October the 29th 2010, we're here in Indianapolis, it's Friday night and I'm afraid to respond to this blog.

Yeah I'm not done picking on him. It's too much fun and I doubt he's got the balls to say anything to me here. Maybe I should spam his blog with links to mine. Maybe that would just be too asinine for me.

Moving on, I need to get seriously cracking on losing weight. I want to be thin by the next DragonCon. I want to go there in a Sisters of Battle costume and I want to look DAMNED good in it. I want to be at the 40K tables wearing it while I play my Chaos Noise Marines army. That should really fuck with some heads. I want across from me to be another Sister looking just as hot if not more so fielding Crimson Fists or Blood Angels. That would be just fucking epic.

If I can just get one of these made, one for Kathy, it would just fucking rock. Hope she can handle all the attention. There's a few other costumes I want that I need the right body to go with, but this is the big one. I'd wear it on stage too.

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