I'm sure you have heard of this lately. I mean it's got back to me, so everyone must have heard of it. Now honestly, my heart goes out to those kids that offed themselves and the friends and family they left behind. I really do wish someone was there to tell them what I am about to say here. If you are being bullied, keep reading. If you know someone that is being bullied, direct them to this. What I have to say is not very nice and far from politically correct, but fuck that shit. When have I ever been politically correct.
Look, if you are being bullied and and you are contemplating suicide, you, in addition to taking the worst possible and permanent solution to a temporary problem, are making sure that bully has beaten you down in the biggest possible way they can. It doesn't show them anything but their ultimate victory and your epic weakness. I'd rather a bully kill me than kill myself because of them, at least I died fighting. And that's the point I want to make.
I'm going to take you back to when I was 5 years old, right before my first day of school. My dad taught me something very valuable. Maybe he saw something coming. Maybe he looked at his son that was short, fat, pale white and nerdy and knew what was going to happen. He taught me something that stuck to this day. He taught me how to fight. He told me "If they hit you, hit them back, harder." That lesson alone made any bullying moments, even to this day, very short lived. Yes, it also got me in a lot of fights, caused me a few suspensions, got me kicked out of various establishments and almost got me arrested. Still I'm thankful for this and would not have it any other way.
Now if you are thinking "what a terrible thing to teach a kid!" Well, get a fucking clue. I was a bully's worst nightmare. I was someone that would stand up to them. And if you are being bullied, that's what you need to be. Society, public schools, modern political correctness and the like tell you something different. They teach you to be non-confrontational. They teach you to run and cry to an authority figure. So the authority figure goes and lectures them. Whoopty fucking doo. What did that accomplish in the end? More bullying for you, right? Bullies don't understand lectures.
So here's what you do instead. Show some strength, stand up to them. Think about it. Did the Spartans lecture the Persians? When the Americans declared their independence, did they lecture the British? You see when I'm getting here? And look, don't start swinging on them right away, not until they start swinging on you. If that's all they are doing is running their mouth, a simple "Fuck off" should suffice. What ever happens from there, you stand your ground. Do not in any sense back down, even if you are getting your ass kicked, at least you stood up. That's the point where you grab a blunt object and bash them with it if you need to. This is what works. Bullies only understand violence. They prey on the weak, show them you are not weak and they will leave you alone. Give them a reason to fear you, all it takes is a show of strength, that you are not going to take their shit.
Stay strong, stay alive, and when you are older, you will be thankful you did. You got to remember, it's the weird, odd, quirky and nerdy people that make the world a cool place. There's been a lot of vids on youtube about this to the theme of "It gets better" And it does, it really does. Look, I was (and still am) short, fat and nerdy. I got picked on a lot. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty damned cool now.
I leave you with this song from The Crüxshadows, it has helped me get through a lot of bad times.
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