So it's National Coming Out Day, Columbus Day, and Canadian Thanksgiving. This of course leads me to understand that Columbus was a gay Canadian. If he wasn't such a gay Canadian, he would not have told the pope to fuck off when the pope said the world was flat. As we all know churchy types are always right and gays are gay because they hate god, so they say the church is wrong. Or something like that.
Actually NCOD falling on the same day as Columbus Day and Canadian Thanksgiving is obviously part of the gay agenda. It's obviously obvious that it's obvious, you would be a liar if you didn't see that. And a fool. And a communist.
Alright, time for some coming out-
My name is Pastor Adam Briggs of Damascus Road Bible Fellowship, today is October the 11th 2010, we're here in Indianapolis, it's Monday night and I'm a big whiny crybaby. I like to talk about burning Qurans but haven't got the balls to actually burn one. I cry like a little girl when people make fun of me on the internets. I want you to support my favourite homophobic cookie store.
Wait, no, I'll be getting to that jackass in a later post. What I meant to say was -
I'm Persephone 66 I'm a bisexual, transgendered, atheist, vegetarian that votes Libertarian.
There, I said it. With that off my chest it's back to the baby killings, blood orgies, raping and pillaging. Because that's what people like me do. I honestly don't know where I find time for it with all the plotting and scheming and all the agendas and conspiracies.
This blog is central to many conspiracies and agendas, your reading it is part of those.
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