In case you were not aware of it, I'm a trekkie. I like the show. I like the movies. I like the games. I go to the conventions. Usually in costume. I've got pictures of the cast, figures, posters, models, thongs, upper thigh massager, and I have them all autographed.
But as much of a fan as I am of Star Trek, I would never demand that kids in public school learn how a warp core works, or the Ferengi rules of acquisition, or how to speak Klingon. Mind you these might make for some cool and interesting electives, but definitely not the material for required courses.
Just the same, as my stage name may imply, I like Ancient Greek mythology. But I would find it rather silly to teach Poseidon's role in the tides in a science class or teach the Iliad and the Odyssey as factual history rather than folklore.
I bring this up because the biggest nerds of all, fundamentalist Christian creationists, are trying to weasel their ridiculous franchise into the public school classroom. At least that's the case in Texas. It's bad enough Rick Perry appointed a young earth creationist to the board of education. That started the quality of education in Texas on a downward spiral. Lowered science standards, Revisionist history, creationists tried to get religious supplemental materials added. They failed, didn't stop them from trying again. Now they are asking so called experts that just happen to be creationists to evaluate new science books.
Here's what one of these experts had to say-
I understand the National Academy of Science's [sic] strong support of
the theory of evolution. At the same time, this is a theory. As an
educator, parent, and grandparent, I feel very firmly that ‘creation
science’ based on Biblical principles should be incorporated into every
Biology book that is up for adoption.
Someone who clearly does not know the definition of the word "theory" as it applies to science should have nothing to do with deciding which science books are used to teach science. Such things are best left to real scientists. I'm not even going to get in to the "just a theory" argument. I'm just going to beat the next person that brings it to me with a dictionary. Maybe they will learn by osmosis. Probly not.
Here's what another "expert" had to say-
Text neglects to tell students that no transitional fossils have been
discovered. The fossil record can be interpreted in other ways than
evolutionary with equal justification. Text should ask students to
analyze and compare alternative theories.
Another one from the ignorant "no transitional forms" crowd. For fuck's sake, every fossil and every currently living thing is a transitional form. For an alternate theory to be valid, there has to be evidence, it has to be tested, and it has to stand up to a peer review. Otherwise at best it barely qualifies as a hypothesis.
The only things that should be taught in a science class are things that are science. That which was found by use of the scientific method. That which has been tested and stood up to scrutiny to be the best explanation. That's how it works. The earth is 4 and a half billion years old. Evolution is the foundation for modern biology. There is overwhelming evidence that supports this. It has been tested over and over by scientists in fields that relate to it. It is important that kids understand the difference between evidence and faith.
Look, I understand. I was disappointed as a child when I found out that Star Trek was fiction and the crew was actors. It totally changed the way I looked at Star Trek, but didn't make me like it any less. And as an adult it was pretty cool to go to Trekkie conventions and get their autographs. Speaking of which I really need to get George Takei's autograph. Maybe I can get him to sign my boobs. I'm digressing.
I also understand there's still a lot of butt hurt going around because Christian teachers cannot force prayer on their students. It's that pesky First Amendment. But if it is any consolation, kids are perfectly allowed pray on their own. Also, people of non-Christian faiths have to play by the same rules. Repackaging your creation myth as an alternate theory is only going to make kids more confused when it comes to science than Wesley Crusher waking up naked in Tasha Yar's bed.
Now you might be wanting to ask why I am so concerned. I don't live in Texas. I care. I care about kids. I care about education. I care about America. We are not going to advance much if we question science every time it contradicts a bronze age myth. Another reason I am concerned is because the State of Texas buys a lot of school books. So many that book publishers use Texas as a standard. So this is not just a problem in Texas, but a problem for the rest of America as well. Standards should be going up, not down. Maybe this is why the aliens are not talking to us.
But what really breeches my warp core is that there is also a political agenda behind this as well. What kind of a PetaQ sacrifices education for a chance at having a generation of holy warriors to fight in a fruitless culture war?