Maybe if "None of the Above" was an option I would have. That's honestly the way I feel. That should be something on every ballot. That idea came to me through my good friend Shane Blancett.
Did notice via Facebook that there were some gay or pro-gay people elected to office today. That's all good and fine, but one's sexual preference should not be a determining factor. It shouldn't even be news. Whoopty-fucking-do, you're gay, here's a rainbow cookie, now do your fucking job.
Anything happening in the news today's that's going to piss me off? Let's check Yahoo!
Why in the ever loving fuck is Dancing with the Stars front page news? Fuck Yahoo! Let's check Google.
Tea Party Movement scored some wins.
A grass roots conservative movement? Well that's a little different. Actually I think the Tea Party has some nice dreams and beliefs. I even agree with them on some things, well a lot of things. I like the idea of lower taxes, smaller government, gun ownership, strong military, and balanced budgets. All good things. I do think that government bailouts and stimulus packages are something that should have never been considered. I wouldn't go so far as to say illegal, though. My issue with them is the talk of "Traditional family values" and "strong belief in the foundational Judaic/Christian values." That kind of talk from politicians makes this bisexual, transgendered atheist a bit nervous. If they really want Intrusive Government Stopped like they say on their
website, then they shouldn't even mention this. I'll stick with the
Libertarian Party, thank you.
Hmmm. With the Democrats still controlling the Senate and the Republicans now taking the House, looks like at least 2 years of the government getting jack shit done.
San Francisco Bans Happy Meals.
WTF??? "The city's board of supervisors votes to forbid restaurants from giving away toys with meals that have high levels of calories, sugar and fat." WTF?????
Shouldn't it be the parent's responsibility? I know a Happy Meal is not all that healthy, but do they really need to be outlawed?
Court weighs in on state law banning violent video games.
Does anyone find as much irony as I do in the guy that played "The Terminator" signing this ban into law in California? It's in the Supreme Court now. I like video games and I do prefer the violent ones. I recently bought Fallout New Vegas and I have Call of Duty: Black Ops on pre-order. I'm an adult, I understand the violence isn't real. Also, in order to get these games into my possession, I had to have my ID checked. They have a Mature rating and stores don't sell them to minors. I think that's all that is necessary. It says right on the package why it has that rating. If you don't want your kid to play a game that has that content, don't buy it for them. It's really that simple.
I think I've had enough of the news for now.